Wednesday 1 October 2014

Not a very productive day!

Since two days ago I've been trying to be productive on each and every day, just to try becoming a better person in the end, or the day I walk out of my university to be exact. Guess what? I've spent so much time on my computer game again that I ended up not being able to complete all the to-do things for today. Hmm addiction is a tough one to tackle with. I once tried to abstain from it, but didn't manage to persist for more than two months. (Mostly because many of my friends associated me with dota and asked me about it every time we ran into each other, and this sort of allured me into picking it up something I was pretty good at, again) Okay, time to put an end, as I know very well that if I don't do so as early as I can, an unimaginable amount of time will be wasted on this game that doesn't bring me any benefits at all! (I definitely want to shake off that "patheticallyignorant" label!)  One last thing, the lucid dream thingy that really drew my attention didn't work that well. I know it's not gonna be easy and it definitely demands patience and persistence in the long run. But I'm actually afraid of any possible side effect it may bring if I really manage to master it. Just so you know I really couldn't sleep well yesterday while I tried to make myself aware that I was going to dream and it would be a dream and not reality. I wanted to take control of the dream. But my mind seemed to get messed up so badly that I couldn't even tell if I was actually half or fully sleep. It seemed like I stayed hanging in between dream and reality. Maybe the convolution of different thoughts lingering on my mind has caused me to get really blurred and clouded. By the time i woke up I felt quite tired though I've slept for almost 8 hours as if I barely slept at all. Oh, t's already 1.03 AM now! The aim to sleep early has failed, again. GOOD NIGHT anyway!

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Okay I'll do it!

Okay it's been a long time again since I wrote something here. Always come across articles saying that blogging is one of the good habits one should practice. All right it really doesn't hurt writing something here. So, I've made a promise that I'll occassionally return here and write something, mostly reviews and opinions on how I've progressed and kept on track with the to-do-list. I know it's definitely impossible for me to be blogging on a daily basis. I've just set up a to-do-list for myself hoping that by completing the activities listed every day I'll be able to become a better person! Enough for the crap and that's all for today. As sleeping early is another habit I'm trying to embrace as well! Good luck and STAY POSITIVE!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Pain is weakness leaving your body!

Okay seriously I like this motivational phrase very much. It's true enough to depict my situation and those of others who work hard to build their body or stretch their muscles. Sometimes you need absolute determination to achieve your target; in my case I've been trying to stretch so hard so that I can do a complete and perfect front and especially middle splits. My muscles seem to be so stiff that there is hardly any progress even though I carry out stretching exercises almost every day. It's truly discouraging. I'm already 22 and this is definitely not the best age to go for this. If you are still young and start doing it for now, everything will be much easier, the progress will be very significantly detectable and you gain better motivation from it.

There were times when I felt like giving up. I thought I was just not talented for this; Everyone around me in this field seems to be doing so much better than me despite the efforts I've put in. Is it that I've not been trying hard enough for it? I need more intensive exercise and efforts? Or I was just born to be sitting in front of computer playing games?

Anyway now I've made up my mind. Taekwondo is now my favourite and I will have to do something to reach my target. Sweating and experiencing pain are inevitable processes that one must go through before success is reached. As you are feeling pain, the weakness is actually slowly leaving your body at the same time! If you don't feel pain at all in the process, you are either doing it wrong or you aren't giving the sufficient effort that is required for progress. As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain" ! You gain NOTHING if you DON'T FEEL ANY PAIN!

Stay motivated and fight for what you want! Never give up!

Friday 9 May 2014

I have to write something!

Okay here's the reason, if you don't use your skills frequently and leave them alone, they are atrophying little by little as time goes by. The same goes for your writing skill, especially a foreign language, if you don't use it , you are going to forget them all sooner or later. English sucks, especially when there is always new vocabulary added to the dictionary. You just can't seem to keep up with it's pace if you don't hasten your learning speed. The best way to make sure you don't forget them easily and put what you've just learned to use is through writing every day! Of course I'm not going to do so, at least not on a daily basis. ( There are days when you don't feel like writing at all ) But the least I can do is write something on this blog every week! Learning isn't a process of merely memorizing the facts by rote. It doesn't involve learning at all if you don't apply them in your real life. Sometimes you may seem to know a lot , with all the knowledge and facts you gained from books, but when it comes to dealing with real-time situations in which it requires your knowledge you have "learned", you may have trouble putting it to good use. Learning may be seen as a burdening process by some people especially students, because what you learn from a book for a particular subject is not something you can use in your normal life, like advanced mathematics. That's one of the serious problems found in today's academics. Students are forced to learn something that isn't really helpful at all, making them feel bored to learn something they see as useless. Consequently, they only study for the sake of exams, and they tend to forget most of what they've learned very quickly after the exams. Value creation is essential in a learning process. When you don't see the value in learning a particular subject, you lose passion, and without it it would be hard for you to master.

Saturday 3 May 2014

First post !?

Oh gosh I just realized I actually have my own blog! I was given an assignment a few days ago to create a blog of my own for my STID class. Okay it's actually an IT-related class, and when I was about to try creating a blog, I was automatically redirected to my old blog created years go because I always sign in using the same google account. Just as I was typing, I noticed many words are underlined.... Aren't "blog" and "google" already valid words which can be looked up in any dictionaries? Oh the auto-correct system should really be kept up-to-date...Anyway back to the topic, it actually saves my time to create another new blog and seeing that there wasn't any posts in my blog, I decided to write something here to give it a little refurbishment. Ok I think that's all I wanted to say, by the way, I wonder if I should try decorating it a little? It looks dull...Let's end here and try to put some pictures to make it a more lively blog!!!!!!!!!!!

-Go hard or go home-